Mrs. Emilie Ply, Mrs. Samantha Ayres, and MSG Jeff Stinson received the I Believe in RSD Awards in February for their commitment and dedication to RSD’s mission of ensuring the promise of the RSD Graduate.
Mrs. Emilie Ply is a Teacher at Sequoyah Elementary School.
Mrs. Samantha Ayres is a Secretary at Dwight Elementary.
MSG Jeff Stinson is the JROTC Instructor at Russellville High School.
Congratulations to all!
I Believe in RSD Staff Awards:
RSD has started the I Believe in RSD staff recognition program.
The RSD Leadership team nominates staff members who are champions for student success and are strong in one or more of the 3 Focuses (Collaboration, Relationships, and Measurement) to ensure the promise of the RSD Graduate.
These awards are given out quarterly and the awarded staff members are recognized at board meetings.