Third Quarter Staff Awards

Mrs. Emilie Ply, Mrs. Samantha Ayres, and MSG Jeff Stinson received the I Believe in RSD Awards in February for their commitment and dedication to RSD’s mission of ensuring the promise of the RSD Graduate. 

Mrs. Emilie Ply is a Teacher at Sequoyah Elementary School.

Mrs. Samantha Ayres is a Secretary at Dwight Elementary.

MSG Jeff Stinson is the JROTC Instructor at Russellville High School. 

Congratulations to all! 

I Believe in RSD Staff Awards: 

RSD has started the I Believe in RSD staff recognition program. 

The RSD Leadership team nominates staff members who are champions for student success and are strong in one or more of the 3 Focuses (Collaboration, Relationships, and Measurement) to ensure the promise of the RSD Graduate. 

These awards are given out quarterly and the awarded staff members are recognized at board meetings. 

Click Here to Read More About The 3 Focuses