Friday, September 24, 2021
\r\nGood evening, RSD-\r\nYour weekly Covid-19 Communication from our Administration Team may be found posted on our website and social media accounts. Percentages per school are now posted along with this information.
\r\nCurrently, there is 1 positive staff member and 5 in quarantine. We have 23 students that are positive and 56 students in quarantine at this time.\r\nA total of 85 individuals were unable to return to school due to quarantine or isolation.
\r\n*Please note that since the first day of school, there have been 197 positive cases total, and 173 of those cases have recovered and returned to school!
If your student has been tested for COVID-19 please do not return to school until you have received your results from your physician's office and returned them to your school nurse.
If a building reaches a 2% rate in positive cases or if a building reaches 10% in student and staff quarantine cases, a 3-week mask requirement will go into place for the entire building.