Mrs. Wortham's kindergartners wrapped up "Pumpkin Week" with exploring the insides of pumpkins and pumpkin explosions!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Kindergarten Students exploring pumpkins
Tomorrow is the last day of "School Lunch Week" at Dwight and the last day to try and reach our goal of 200 students/adults eating in the cafeteria in a day!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
School Lunch Week Clipart
Did you know if you shop at Kroger you can help Dwight Elementary earn money? It's simple and only takes a few minutes to register your Kroger card!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Kroger Card Information
First grade will be visiting the Russellville First United Methodist Pumpkin Patch on Wednesday, October 11 from 8:15 am-12:00 pm.
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Pumpkin Patch Picture
Pork Fest is coming up!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Pork Fest Flyer of Information
Next week is National School Lunch Week! Students are encouraged to eat a cafeteria lunch each day!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
National School Lunch Week Clipart
We need your Box Tops!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
The Dwight Elementary Bicycle Rodeo is tomorrow! Don't forget to drop off your child's bike in the morning. If they don't have a bike, they can borrow from another student. Here is the schedule: 7:20-8:00 Park bikes 8:10-9:10 3rd grade 9:10-10:10 2nd grade 10:10-11:10 4th grade 12:40-1:40 Kindergarten 1:40-2:40 1st grade 2:40-3:15 Clean up/dismiss
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Students are enjoying the end of the day clubs at Dwight Elementary!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Students engaging in club activities.
Don't forget: Tomorrow is VIP Day at Dwight Elementary! A VIP is any Very Important Person (adult) in our students' lives. Please join us for refreshments and fun learning.
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
VIP Day Schedule
K-1 students enjoyed a beautiful lunch recess this afternoon!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Kindergarten and first grade students play on the playground at recess.
Kindergarten students worked together to construct sturdy houses after reading The Three Little Pigs!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Kindergarten students with their pig houses made out of different materials.
Kindergarten students had a wonderful time visiting the Pope County Fair this year!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Kindergarten Students at the Fair
These kindergarten engineers built towers strong enough to hold an egg off the ground using only ten pipe cleaners and loads of creativity!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Kindergarten Students with their pipe cleaner towers.
We are very proud of the respectful boys and girls we have at Dwight Elementary. Each morning students can be seen holding doors open for Dwight faculty, staff, and other classmates.
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Fourth Grade girl opening door for teacher
First grade students in Mrs. Jones's class had fun learning about how sound travels through vibrations.
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
First Grade students using cups and string to feel the vibration of sounds.
Arkansas Tech students and professors visited Dwight Elementary last Friday to teach boys and girls about Constitution Day!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Pictures of Dwight students with Arkansas Tech students on Constitution Day.
We hope to see all our Dwight families at the Cyclone football game this Friday!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Dwight Night at the Cyclone football game is this Friday, September 15.
Help support Dwight Elementary by ordering food from Papa John's pizza Wednesday and Thursday!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Papa John's Pizza Flyer
Second Graders in Mrs. Huddleston's class had fun learning about the properties of matter today!
over 7 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Second Graders outside learning about the properties of matter