Next week RSD in collaboration with the RSD Counselors will be celebrating KINDNESS WEEK!
about 1 month ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Kindness week
Kindness week
There is still time left to order your Russellville gear through our RJHS PTO's winter fundraiser! Help support RJHS by grabbing some spirit wear! Click the link to order: Last day to order is February 1st!
about 1 month ago, Russellville Jr. High School
winter fundraiser
Our RJHS Whirlwinds LOVE the Bryant family! #knoxstrong
about 1 month ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Check out the awesome Russellville gear that RJHS PTO is offering through their winter fundraiser! Help support RJHS by grabbing some spirit wear! Click the link to order: Last day to order is February 1st!
about 1 month ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Whirlwind Winter WarmUp
Flu forms were sent home today with RJHS students. If your child did not receive a form and you wish for them to have a flu shot, please notify the RJHS nurse. This year's flu clinic will be held on October 22, 2024. Both forms that were sent home, need to be signed and returned before that day for your child to receive the shot.
5 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
flu clinic
Don't forget that 24-25 yearbook pictures are tomorrow, Thursday, September 26, 2024. Click the link below to order online and use the Picture Day ID: EVT42HCQW
5 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
red camera with red background and balck text
Whirlwind Families: If you plan on attending the Conway Invitational Volleyball Tournament tomorrow, please remember they have a cashless ticket system. EVENT REMINDERS: Please, no outside food or drink. Re-entry will not be permitted, so please plan accordingly. Click the link to buy tickets:
6 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
conway ticket graphic
It's our first Whirlwind Football home game tonight! We hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
homegame graphic
Adventure awaits in Washington, D.C., and New York City for current 8th-grade students! This summer, join us as we watch the sun setting at the Lincoln Memorial, walk in George Washington’s footsteps at Mount Vernon, soak in the bright lights of Times Square, and experience a theater performance like no other! To learn more, attend the info meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at 6 PM in the RJHS library. Registration is mandatory to attend (and this is how we’ll send you the info afterward!):
6 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
washington DC trio informational graphic
Don't forget! The RJHS PTO is selling 2024-2025 Game Day shirts! Click on the link to order: Thank you for supporting all RJHS students and staff with your purchases. We appreciate you!!! The DEADLINE to ORDER is WEDNESDAY, August 28th at 11 pm.
6 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
rjhs game day shirts
RSD will dismiss classes on Monday, September 2, 2024, in honor of the Labor Day holiday. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
6 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
labor day holiday announcement
Thursday's Benefit game for Junior High Football and High School Volleyball are AAA Benefit games. It will be $5 for everyone to get in including kids. AAA passes are all that will be accepted at the pass gate.
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
black and white picture of football and helmet with red and black text over it.
2024-2025 RJHS Bell Schedule
7 months ago, RJHS Whirlwinds
RJHS Bell Schedule
Welcome to RJHS Coach Hatcher!
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Hi, my name is Ryan Hatcher. I am very excited to be teaching at Russellville Jr High this year. This will be my 4th year teaching and this year I will be teaching 9th grade Physical Science and will also be the junior high assistant volleyball coach and the middle school assistant girls basketball coach. I am very excited to meet a new group of students and athletes!
Welcome to RJHS Coach Creek!
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
I am teachig 8th grade History and coaching High school football.  I am excited to meet the students at RJHS and to dive into history with the 8th graders.  I grew up in Waldron, Arkansas and graduated college at Southern Arkansas University. I retired from my previous profession in 2018 and began my career in education at that point at Subiaco Academy.
The RJHS PTO is selling 2024-2025 Game Day shirts! Click on the link to order! PTO will be available during RJHS's Open House on August 15th, if you would like to purchase a shirt. Thank you for supporting all RJHS students and staff with your purchases. We appreciate you!!! The DEADLINE to ORDER is WEDNESDAY August 28th at 11pm.
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
white backgroundw ith red text and pictures of the t shirts for sale
On August 17th, the Cyclone Cross Country team will host the Cyclone Color Run to kick off the annual Cyclone Extravaganza! This is a fun event for the whole family! There will be a kids 1 mile fun run followed by a 5K for both walkers and runners. Click the link to register:
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
colorful shoes with black text above the and below
Welcome to RJHS Mrs. Freeman!
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
My name is Daphne Freeman. I love having the opportunity to give back to the district that I attended K-12. As a teacher, I strive to build positive relationships with students in an effort to motivate and encourage them to reach their goals. For the past 7 years, I have taught in the elementary grades. I look forward to a great first year at RJHS as a Dyslexia Interventionist and Special Education Designee!
Welcome to RJHS Mr. Young!
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
I graduated from RSD and, after living and working overseas, my wife and I returned to Russellville where I have been teaching at RHS for the past 13 years. I taught English, AP Literature, AP Language, and Educators Rising. I will be RJHS's new assistant principal, and I can't wait to work with everyone on this amazing campus.
Welcome to RJHS Mr. Abbott!
7 months ago, Russellville Jr. High School
"Hello! My name is Preston Abbott, and I am so excited to be teaching at RJHS this school year! As an alumni of Russellville High School, I am very excited to be teaching in the Russellville School District. It is quite literally a dream of mine! I will be teaching 8th-9th grade band students this year, as well as assisting with band students all across the district. I am most looking forward to seeing students grow in their musical abilities this year!"