Mark your calendars: Russellville Schools will be closed next Monday in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day! *Monday, January 17, 2022- No School*
about 3 years ago, Russellville School District
MLK Jr. Holiday
Monday, January 10, 2022 Mask Requirements include Crawford, Center Valley, London, Oakland Heights, RIS, RJHS, RHS, Sequoyah, and SLC.
about 3 years ago, Russellville School District
Good evening RJHS families, The 9th graders will be traveling on a bus to the high school tomorrow morning at 8:15 for transition day. They will return to RJHS at 12:04 for lunch. All students and staff are required to wear a mask while inside the high school facilities. If your child isn’t at RJHS by 8:10 tomorrow, please drop them off at RHS and have them report to the main office.
about 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS Fall Semester Tests will start Monday, December 13th. The full schedule is at the following link:
about 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
semester tests schedule
RJHS staff had a great time last night at the December Staff event! Thank you so much to Strikers Bowling Alley for hosting us! We had a blast!
about 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Staff posing in a bowling alley with bowling balls
Join us tonight! The Russellville Junior High Bands’ annual Christmas Concert will be performed on Tuesday, December 7, at 6:30 p.m. at The Center for the Arts. This concert will feature the Symphonic Winds, the Symphonic Band, and the Concert Band from Russellville Junior High. All three bands will be performing traditional Christmas songs. There is no admission charge to our local concerts and the public is invited to attend. ​
about 3 years ago, Russellville School District
rjhs band
Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 1, 2021, the RJHS National Junior Honor Society will host their annual Blood Drive @ RJHS! The Safe Room will be open from 2pm -6pm for those that want to give. To schedule an appointment, visit
about 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
NJHS Blood Drive 2021
Last night, the RJHS staff had a great time at Hour Glass Escape Rooms! It was awesome getting to visit and have fun with each other as a Whirlwind family! Thank you to Hour Glass Escape Rooms of Russellville for hosting us!
about 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS teachers posing for a picture in an escape room setting
RJHS teachers posing for a picture in an escape room setting
RJHS teachers posing for a picture in an escape room setting
Congratulations to the Whirlwind Dance Team on their big win this past Saturday! They won Grand Champion! Way to go ladies!!! #whirlwindpride
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
BOOK FAIR IS HERE!!! Parents and Guardians are welcome to come and shop during P/T Conferences tomorrow, Tuesday, October 26th! Students can shop anytime during the school day, throughout the week! Check out our homepage link to shop online for even more Scholastic books and products!
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Book Fair
Parents and guardians, please remember that RJHS with be hosting Parent/ Teacher Conferences tomorrow, Tuesday, October 26th, from 2pm-8pm. Entrances will be open under both the 8th and 9th grade covered walk ways during this time.
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Today students met with RJHS Principal, Matt Kordsmeier, and Instructional Coaches, Stephanie Perkins and Michael Hines. They met to discuss their Star Readings and Star Math data, Act Aspire data, and their 1st 9 weeks report cards. Parents and Guardians, we encourage you to look at this information with your student and discuss next steps with them! Go Whirlwinds!
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Student's sitting at tables in a gym with a teacher speaking in front of them
Come out and support your Whirlwinds this evening! Tailgate starts at 5:00!!!
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Lady Whirlwind Volleyball Team. 2021 River Valley Junior High Conference Volleyball Champions! Way to go ladies!!! #whirlwindpride
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
8th grade volleyball team
Attn. RSD Parents/ Guardians: A letter has been sent home to parents regarding recent social media challenges. The letter is also attached at the link below for viewing. Letter from RSD Superintendent, Mr. Vining:
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Book Fair Save the Date: The RJHS Fall Book Fair will be October 25th-October 29th! Stay tuned for more details!
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Red and Blue letters that read Book Fair Coming Soon
Reminder: RJHS Students and Parents: Interested in a trip for your student to Washington DC and New York City? Come to an online meeting on Tuesday night Sep. 21 at 6:30pm with Mrs. Moore to learn more. Meeting Link:
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
It's a great Monday at RJHS! We hope you are all having a great day too!
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Teachers in blue shirts standing and posing for the camera up close.
RJHS Students and Parents: Interested in a trip for your student to Washington DC and New York City? Come to an online meeting on Tuesday night Sep. 21 at 6:30pm with Mrs. Moore to learn more. Here is the link to RSVP to the meeting:
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Don't forget that Monday is picture day! If you want to order pictures, you can go online at Or, if you received an order packet from your English teacher last week, you can bring the envelope with money to the photographer on Monday.
over 3 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
MOnday is picture day