NO SCHOOL 11.20.20-RSD's Board of Education has called for Friday, November 20 to be an off-site remote learning day district wide in response to an increase in COVID cases throughout the community. Unlike 'Virtual Learning' days students Pre-K to 12 grade will not be on campus Friday.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
ATTENTION RSD FAMILIES: Sack lunches will be provided for the remote learning day on Friday, November 20 tomorrow at dismissal. Students may pick up their sack lunches at tables located at each of the entrances before leaving campus on Thursday, November 19. For more information contact dining services at 479.498.8836.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
Russellville Board of Education announces Friday. November 20, 2020 a Virtual Learning Day District wide, Pre-K to twelfth grade.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
Virtual Learning Day set for the District
Congrats to our RJHS Cheer Team! They won 1st place at the Southern Spirit Federation Game Day Competition! Best Fight Song, Best Crowd Leading, and Highest Score over all! We are so proud of these girls and all of their hard work!
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS Cheer
Reminder: Fall picture retakes will be tomorrow morning, Tuesday, November 17th. If you are off-site, please make sure you arrive before 10:00 am and we will move you to the front of the line.
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS would like to congratulate Mrs. Katy Brockinton, our very own RJHS Choir Director, on being named one of the first recipients of the Carrie Taylor Distinguished Director Award. We are so proud to call Mrs. Brockinton a Whirlwind!
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS will be having a canned food drive November 10th-20th, in hopes of having canned goods to send home with students for Thanksgiving. Students can bring canned goods, or packaged goods to their TEAM teacher. The top 2 winning TEAM classes will receive a prize!
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Food Drive
The deadline for the Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest has been extended until November 7, 2020. Altice USA, the parent company of Optimum and Suddenlink, announced its annual Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest in partnership with Univision. The essay contest invites middle and high school students to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by submitting an essay that describes a Hispanic person whom they consider to be a hero and why. 'We all have a hero. Someone we look up to. Someone who inspires us. Whether it is a civil rights activist, pop culture icon, or someone you know personally, heroes bring us hope when we need it the most. *In 500 words or less, tell us about a Hispanic person, past or present, who you consider to be a hero and explain why.' Who: Optimum and Suddenlink’s Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest in partnership with Univision What: Hispanic Heritage Month essay contest for middle and high school students about a Hispanic person who they consider to be a hero. Where: More information can be found at and When: Essay submissions must be received by 11:59 pm EDT on November 7th, 2020 Why: Grand prize finalists will receive a $1,500 scholarship. Additional three finalists will receive an iPad. Separate prizes for middle and high school categories.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
hispanic heritage essay
Information on Cyclone Softball Tryouts for 9th graders is posted above and linked below.
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Softball Signups
No school on Monday & Tuesday (November 2nd & 3rd) for parent-teacher conferences. Meals will be delivered for both days on Monday with buses following their regular routes beginning at 9:30 a.m.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
RSD Dining Services
Check out the RJHS 2020 Color’s Day Virtual Pep Rally! Link posted below:
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
ATTN. RSD Families: Nov. 2 & 3 are remote learning days across the district for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Meals will be provided for both days. Buses will run their routes beginning Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. and will deliver meals for Monday and Tuesday at that time. Questions? Contact your child's school or Dining Services. Thank you! RJ
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
The RJHS Virtual Book Fair has begun! You can shop for your favorite reads and the newest books at the link below! Scholastic will give back 25% in rewards to RJHS when you shop October 26th – November 8th. Shop the RJHS Book Fair now:
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Book Fair
Mark your calendars! Monday, November 2, and Tuesday, November 3 are virtual learning days for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
over 4 years ago, Russellville School District
REMINDER: The RJHS Flu Clinic will be Tuesday, October 27th. If you would like your child to receive a Flu shot, the form needs to be turned into the RJHS office by Monday, October 26th.
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS Flu Clinic
Make sure you are subscribed to Russellville School District News on Youtube to stay up to date on the latest happenings for RSD! Click on the link below and hit that SUBSCRIBE button! Russellville School District News:
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Russellville Schools District News
Congratulations to these 9th graders who were chosen for the 2020 RJHS Color's Day Court!
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Color's Day Court
Color's Day Court
Attn: RJHS Parents and Guardians: When signing up for parent/ teacher conferences, you will sign up under your student's SSP teacher. Letters were sent home last week with the name of each student's SSP teacher and information detailing how to sign up for conferences. The link to the School's homepage for conferences is linked below.
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
The RJHS PTO is hosting a fundraiser! They are selling masks! There will be three masks designs available - tie die, leopard, and a black Russellville Whirlwind. Masks will be available to purchase from Wednesday, October 28 to Friday, October 30. The PTO will also be selling them at the Thursday night football game on Oct. 29th. A flyer will be sent home with your student next week, but is also attached below. If you have any questions about this fundraiser, please contact Sara Jondahl at Form link:
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS PTO Fundraiser
Congrats to the RJHS Dance team!!! They came home with 1st place in all three of their dances, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Pom! They received Grand Champion in Pom, Judges Choice for Creative Choreography in Jazz, and Judges Choice for technique in Pom! We are so proud of these girls and their coaches! #rjhswinds
over 4 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS Dance Team posing with their trophy
RJHS Dance Team posing with their trophy