Just a reminder that RSD will dismiss school 1 hour early at 2:10, this coming Friday, December 20th, to start Christmas Break. There will be no school December 23rd - January 5th.
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Just a reminder that next week is Semester Test week! Students are NOT allowed to take tests early. Any student that isn't going to be here during semester test week will make their test up when we get back from Christmas Break. Students will NOT be able to check out DURING a test. They may be checked out directly after or directly before a test.
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Semester Test schedule
Adopt-a-Whirlwind: Each year, Student Council sponsors an event called Adopt-a-Whirlwind. Whirlwind tags will be on a Christmas tree in the library. The tags represent students here at RJHS who are in need this holiday season. The tags include 5 items these students have wished for. Please encourage your child, if able, to participate in this program to help a fellow student. If your child chooses a tag, please have him/her bring back the gifts unwrapped by December 17th. Student Council will organize the gifts and wrap them. Please email Haley Jackson if you have any questions, haley.jackson@rsdk12.net.
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS would like to invite you to join us and your child for our Thanksgiving meal on Tuesday, November, 19, 2019. 8th grade parents/guardians need to arrive at RJHS by 10:50. 9th grade parents/guardians need to arrive at RJHS by 11:50. Please park in front of the school and have your ID ready. You will need to enter the building through the front entrance, on the 9th grade side, by the office. You will pay for your lunch in the front office when you arrive. Adult lunches are $4.25. You do not have to eat the school meal if you would prefer to bring food for your child on this day. If you have any questions please call the school at 479-968-1599
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Letter from Principal on Thanksgiving Meal
The RJHS Fall Semester Test Schedule is now available. ALL students will take a semester test this semester. Students are NOT allowed to take test early. Any student that isn't going to be here during semester test week will make their test up when we get back from Christmas Break. RJHS Admin will be sharing this information with students during Data talks this week.
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Fall Semester Test Schedule
The RJHS Marching band received all First Division ratings at their competition on October 16th! Way to go Whirlwinds!
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Band members holding trophy
RJHS wants to give a shout out to the Cheer Team! This past weekend they won 2nd place in the Game Day Division at the Southern Spirit Cheer Competition! Congrats girls!!!
about 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Cheer Team
Cheer Team
RJHS wants to give a shout out to the Jr. High Forensics team for participating in their first debate tournament last weekend! They placed 1st-4th in 2 events and did a great job representing RJHS! Way to go!
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Students posing with their certificates
School pictures are being sent home today to all students if they came to the office to get them. Make-up pictures and retakes are tomorrow morning. If your child didn't get their picture today, they can come get it tomorrow in the office.
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
The 2019 PLTW Showcase will be at Russellville High School on November 5th! Schools are welcome to register at link posted on the flyer! For more information contact Judy Pennington, Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning, judy.pennington@rsdk12.net
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
PLTW Showcase
It's time again for the annual RJHS Library Pumpkin Decorating Contest! We have have an 8th grade division, 9th grade division, and a teacher division! Pumpkins must represent a book or book character. Prize money will be given to: overall winners, 1st runner ups, and 2nd runner ups in each division!
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
The November edition of RJHS READS is out today! Check it out! #rjhsreads #readlikeawhirlwind
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS Reads
The Book Fair arrives at RJHS this Friday, October 11th! This year, parents can use Scholastic's eWallet to help their students shop! Visit our Book Fair homepage to set it up! RJHS Book Fair Homepage: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/rjhslibrary
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Digital Payment system
Digital payment system
A huge CONGRATS goes out to the RJHS Choir and Mrs. Brockinton! 63 RJHS students made the All Region Choir this weekend! It was recording breaking! We are so proud! #rjhswinds
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
The Pope County Health Unit will provide Flu vaccines for RSD students. RJHS students will receive Flu vaccines on Monday October 14, 2019 from 8:30 to 11:30. Students must have a completed consent and FERPA form turned in to receive the vaccine. Students will not receive the vaccine if these forms are not on file. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FLU MIST WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE AT THIS CLINIC. Forms have been sent home, if you are in need of a replacement form, you can download one from the documents page of the website, or click the following links: FLU Form: https://5il.co/amq2 FERPA Form: https://5il.co/ampy
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
The RJHS Robotics Team had a great opportunity to learn from the RHS Robotics Team last Tuesday! They were really generous to share their knowledge and experience with the junior high team!
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
RJHS robotics learning from high school!
Attn Parents & Guardians: The RJHS Flu clinic will be held October 14th,2019. Flu forms went home with students on Monday.
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
flu shot flyer
Today 8th grader's attended their first Data Talk of the school year with the principals. They went over their Spring 2019 ACT Aspire results, their Fall Aimsweb math and reading data, and their 5 weeks progress reports.
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
students and principals in room with desks and chairs
students and principals in room with desks and chairs
Spirit Week 2019-2020 themes have been announced! Prizes will be given for "Best Costume" and "Most Spirit Shown" each day!
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
red and black graphic with black font
Save the Date! The RJHS Fall Book Fair is October 14th-22nd!
over 5 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
white and red background with white and red text.