RJHS would like to invite all parents and guardians to join us for our annual Thanksgiving Meal on Tuesday, November 13th. 8th grade lunch begins at 11:00 and 9th grade lunch begins at 11:55. The cost for a student meal is $2.70 and the cost for an adult meal is $4.25. Please call 479-968-1599 to sign up for the meal. You can pay for the meal when you come in to eat on the 13th.
about 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
The RJHS Robotics team won won their second tournament! They were tournament champions and won the design awards!
over 6 years ago, RJHS Whirlwinds
RJHS Robotics Team
Mrs. Riley is having a camp out at RJHS today. Students are working on a research paper. They are discussing various parts of the MLA format of the paper in their 5 stations.
over 6 years ago, RJHS Whirlwinds
Camp Riley
The RJHS 9th grade English teachers are here to share an important message this Halloween.
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
English teachers posing with funny Halloween shirt on.
RJHS has a bi-weekly news show that has become a real hit this year! It's called the Whirlwind Weekly! You can check out this week's video at the following link: https://youtu.be/i3P_XPhXlgg
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Coach Tucker’s 9th grade US History class renegotiated the Treaty of Versailles with their own League of Nations and country leaders. #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Student in front of the class presenting about his history project.
Mrs. Boles and Mrs. Sanders’ English classes worked on a “Pass the Plate” activity to build interest and curiosity about the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Students and teacher at a group of desks studying a text.
8th graders in Miss Hutchinson's classes were challenged to find the Fiery Dragon Spit, by solving math problems. Classes had to follow 5 different clues in order to create a time and distance graph. The classes used a fog machine to set the mood. #rjhs winds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Student teacher in front of the board posing and smiling.
Student working, sitting at desks.
Students sitting at desks overseen by the student teacher.
Today in Coach White's classes, RJHS students used 3D DNA models to learn about and practice with the DNA structure. #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Students using 3d dna models to study.
student using 3d dna model to study dna structure
Students  using 3d dna model to study dna structure
Students showed their creativity today in the library. They used Fiddle Sticks to create all sorts of things! #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Student wearing glasses be made out of Fiddle Sticks.
Student holding the car he made out of Fiddle sticks.
Fiddle Stick sculpture
Students using Fiddle Sticks blocks to create sculptures.
Only 2 more chances to see Whirlwind Theatre’s production of The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza. Today at 2:00 pm and again this evening at 7:00 pm. The show is at the Center for the Arts in the black box theatre. Cost is $3 per person. Come enjoy this hilarious comedy about some of the most well-known myths!
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Students on stage wearing super hero costumes.
No school Monday or Tuesday/PT conferences are from 1-7pm on Tuesday/Please enter the building on the east or west side of the campus under the covered walkways/The main entrance will be locked/Awards assembly is 10.26/8th grade at 8:15/9th grade at 9:00
over 6 years ago, RJHS Whirlwinds
RJHS Whirlwind Band performing at the Region IX Marching Contest. They did an awesome job!
over 6 years ago, RJHS Whirlwinds
RJHS Whirlwind Band
Just a reminder: THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL FOR THE RUSSELLVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT ON: MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2018 and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018. RJHS Parent/ Teacher Conferences will be held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018 , 1:00PM-7:00PM.
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Flyer for no school with red letters and orange and red leaves.
Students created and evaluated thematic statements today in Mrs. Jackson's classes. These three brave students volunteered to represent their groups! #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Students writitng on a marker board.
The students played vocabulary basketball today in Career Development classes to review! #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Students watching another student shoot a basketball into a trash can in a classroom.
This is just a reminder that a flu clinic will be held on October 19th, this Friday at RJHS. Flu forms were sent out last Friday and both forms need to be signed and returned before that day for your child to receive the shot. The clinic will start at 12:30, Friday afternoon.
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
It's time for the 5th Annual Whirlwind 5K Run/Walk! Please join us on Monday, November 5 @ Russellville Junior High for this fun event sponsored by the RJHS PTO! Information on how to purchase tickets and sign up is availble at the link below! https://bit.ly/2OumWZD
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
flyer for marathon with white background and runners in black silouette
Congrats to the Lady Whirlwind Cross Country team! They won the Wampus Cat Invitational this past Saturday in Conway! This is the second win in a row for the Lady Whirlwinds! Way to go ladies! Go Whirlwinds! #rjhswinds
over 6 years ago, Russellville Jr. High School
Congratulations to Lydia Hale, RJHS 2018 Colors Day Queen and the members of the Colors Day Court! Thank you to all the students, staff, and families who helped with making this day so memorable. #RJHSwinds
over 6 years ago, RJHS Whirlwinds
2018 Colors Day Court